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The Lab For neurobiology of social behavior

Barton S, Zovko A, Müller C, Krabichler Q, Schulze J, Wagner S, Grinevich V, Shamay-Tsoory S, Hurlemann R. A translational neuroscience perspective on loneliness: Narrative review focusing on social interaction, illness and oxytocin, Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 23:105734, 2024.
doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105734.

Thirtamara R.K, Barbier M, Lefevre A, Niblo K, Cordero N, Netser S, Grinevich V, Wagner S, Harony-Nicolas H. Oxytocin activity in the paraventricular and supramammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus is essential for social recognition memory in rats. Mol Psychiatry, Feb;29(2):412-424, 2024  doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02336-0.

Wagner S & Maroun M. A Better PIL to Swallow: A Thalamic Node in the Social Brain Network, Biol Psychiatry, 15;95(2):97-99, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.10.020.

  • Mohapatra A.N, Peles D, Netser S  Wagner S. Synchronized LFP rhythmicity in the social brain reflects the context of social encounters, Commun Biol, 2;7(1):2, 2024.
    doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05728-8.

John S.R, Tiwari R, Goussha Y, Amar R, Bizer A, Netser S, Wagner S. Simultaneous recording of ultrasonic vocalizations and sniffing from socially interacting individual rats using a miniature microphone. Cell Rep Methods.  3(11):100638, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.10063.

Hochgerner H, Singh S, Tibi M, Lin Z, Skarbianskis N, Admati I, Ophir O, Reinhardt N, Netser S, Wagner S, Zeisel A. Neuronal types in the mouse amygdala and their transcriptional response to fear conditioning. Nat Neurosci. 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01469-3.

Mohapatra A.N & Wagner S. The role of prefrontal cortex in social interactions and animal models and the implications for autism spectrum disorder. Front. Psychiatry. 14:1205199, 2023. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1205199.

Jada R, Borisov V, Laury E, Halpert S, Levy N.S, Wagner S, Netser S, Walikonis R, Carmi I, Berlin S and Levy A.P. Daily brief heat therapy reduces seizures in A350V IQSEC2 mice and is associated with correction of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic dysfunction. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(4), 2023.

Jabarin R, Dagash W, Netser S, Singh S, Paul B.K, Barkai E and Wagner S. Modulation of social investigation by anterior hypothalamic nucleus rhythmic neural activityiScience, 26:2, 2023.

Jabarin R, Netser S and Wagner S. Beyond the three-chamber test: toward a multimodal and objective assessment of social behavior in rodentsMolecular Autism. 13:41, 2022.

Netser SNahardiya GWeiss-Dicker GDadush RGoussha Y, John S.R, Taub M, Werber Y, Sapir N, Yovel Y, Harony-Nicolas H, Buxboum J.D, Cohen L, Crammer K and Wagner S. TrackUSF, a novel methodology for automated ultrasonic vocalization analysis, reveals modified calls in a rat model of autism. BMC Biology, 20:159, 2022.

Haskal S, Netser S, Magalnik H, Briller M, Marzan D, Glatt S Abergel Y, and Wagner S. Social recognition laboratory mice requires integration of behaviorally-induced somatosensory, auditory and olfactory cues, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 143:105859, 2022. 

  • John S.R, Dagash W, Mohapatra A.N, Netser S  Wagner S. Distinct dynamics of theta and gamma rhythmicity during social interaction suggest differential mode of action in the Medial Amygdala of Sprague Dawley rats and C57BL/6J mice, Neuroscience, 493, 69-80, 2022.
  • Mohapatra A.N, Netser S  Wagner S. Modular electrode array for multi-site extracellular recordings from brains of freely moving rodents, Current Protocols, 2, e399, 2022.
  • Goussha Y, Bar K, Netser S, Cohen L, Hel-Or Y Wagner S. HybridMouse: A hybrid convolutional-recurrent neural network-based model for identification of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations, Front Behav Neuroscience, 15:810590, 2022.
  • Kopachev N, Netser S Wagner S. Sex-dependent features of social behavior differ between distinct laboratory mouse strains and their mixed offspring, iScience, 25:2, 2022.
  • Jada R, Zag L, Borisov V, Levy N.S, Netser S, Jabarin R, Wagner S, Schragenheim-Rozales K, Shalgi R & Levy A.P. Housing of A350V IQSEC2 pups at 37°C ambient temperature prevents seizures and permits the development of social vocalizations in adulthood, International Journal of Hyperthermia, 38:1, 1495-1501, 2021.

Lavenda-Grosberg D, Lalzar M, Leser N, Yaseen A, Malik A, Maroun M, Barki-Harrington L and Wagner S. Acute social isolation and regrouping cause short- and long-term molecular changes in the rat medial amygdala. Mol Psychiatry, 2021. 

Wirth S, Soumier A, Eliava M, Derdikman D, Wagner S, Grinevich V and Sirigu A. Territorial blueprint in the hippocampal system. Trends Cogn Sci. 25(10):831-842, 2021.

Jabarin R, Levy N, Abergel Y, Berman J.H, Zag A, Netser S, Levy A.P and Wagner S. Pharmacological modulation of AMPA receptors rescues specific impairments in social behavior associated with the A350V Iqsec2 mutation. Transl Psychiatry. 11; 234, 2021.

Netser S, Meyer A, Magalnik H, Zylbertal A, Haskal S, Briller M, Bizer A, Grinevich V and Wagner S. Distinct dynamics of social motivation drive different patterns of social investigation behavior in C57BL/6J mice and Sprague Dawley rats. Nature Communications. 20; 11(1):5908, 2020.

Tang Y, Benusiglio D, Lefevre A, Hilfiger L, Althammer F, Bludau A, Hagiwara D, Baudon A, Darbon P, Schimmer J, Kirchner M.K, Roy R.K, Wang S, Eliava M, Wagner S, Oberhuber M, Conzelmann K.K, Schwarz M, Stern J.E, Leng G, Neumann I.D, Charlet A, Grinevich V. Social touch promotes inter-female communication via activation of oxytocin parvocellular neurons. Nature Neuroscience23(9): 1125-1137, 2020. 

Anpilov S, Shemesh Y, Eren N, Harony-Nicolas H, Benjamin A, Dine J, Oliveira V, Forkosh O, Karamihalev S, Hüttl RE, Feldman N, Berger R, Dagan A, Chen G, Neumann I, Wagner S, Yizhar O and Chen A. Wireless optogenetic stimulation of oxytocin neurons in a semi-natural setup dynamically elevates both pro-social and agonistic behaviors. Neuron. 19;107(4):644-655.e7, 2020 

Wagner S, Grinevich V, and Levkowitz G. Advances in neurohypophysial hormones research. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 32(4):e12853, 2020. 

Haskal S, Netser S, Hen Magalnik and Wagner S. Impaired sex preference, but not social and social novelty preferences, following systemic blockade of oxytocin receptors in adult male mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 116:104676, 2020. 

Netser S, Haskal S, Magalnik H, Bizer A and Wagner S. A system for tracking the dynamics of social preference behavior in small rodents. J. Vis. Exp. (153), e60336, 2019. 

Wagner S. Urocortins and their unfolding role in mammalian social behavior. Cell and Tissue Research. 375(1):133-142, 2019.

Rajamani K.T, Wagner S, Grinevich V, and Harony-Nicolas H. Oxytocin as a modulator of synaptic plasticity: Implications for neurodevelopmental disorders. Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience. 10:17, 2018.

Netser S, Haskal S, Magalnik H, Wagner S. A novel system for tracking social preference dynamics in mice reveals sex- and strain-specific characteristics. Molecular Autism. 8:53, 2017.

Zylbertal A, Yarom Y, Wagner S. The slow dynamics of intracellular sodium concentration increase the time window of neuronal integration: A simulation study. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 11:85, 2017. 

Maroun M. and Wagner S. Oxytocin and memory of emotional stimuli: Some dance to remember, some dance to forget. Biological Psychiatry. 1:79(3):203-12, 2016.